Our company realizes that once you get your yard maintenance taken care of and those trees that may have once been an issue for you out of the way, you may start to notice other issues that keep your house or lawn from looking it’s best. A worn/dirty sidewalk? The outside of the house that just doesn't shine as brightly now as it once did? A deck or wooden fence that looks a little dingy? We can help.
Pressure washing is the application of high pressure water spray, produced by specially designed pumps,. This spray is a hundred times more powerful than the typical garden hose. It can be used to clean concrete, bricks, driveways, fencing, decks, siding, and more. Mr. Tree is happy to offer this service to our clients.
Your yard can be enhanced with our freshly cut sod. We work with a local company who cuts the sod fresh to fill each order. This ensures the sod placed in your yard has not sat on pallets for days before installing. We will fill-in those problem areas with just a few pieces or we will completely sod your front and/or back yards. Do you have an area of dirt that grass is not growing over? We have the solution – sod it! We will do all the labor to install the sod, then all you have to do is keep it watered until well established. A beautiful lawn is the basis of curb appeal. Once the lawn is installed you may want to continue with our services to add some landscaping in areas that are viewed the most often by you and your family. For our commercial clients, we provide sod installation on a larger scale, still maintaining the attention to detail that we provide for our residential customers.